This post, how do I juggle different employers’ timelines when I’m interviewing? , was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager.

A reader writes:

I am in the middle of job-searching and one of the most stressful parts is the different timelines that organizations are on. Some get back to you in 16 hours (as was the case with a first interview I had this week), some get back to you in a month (as is the case for a dream job I applied to). Some, like said dream job, are thoughtful enough to let you know their timeline for interviewing and hiring, which is helpful. But with others, you have no clue if they are looking to hire in a month or in three months. I’m nervous I’ll be waiting to hear back from more desirable roles while potentially getting job offers I am less excited about.

As an applicant, is there any way to navigate the differing timelines of multiple organizations? How do I balance taking jobs as they come, versus holding out for a different job? Obviously, I don’t want to say no to any offers, but I also don’t want to preemptively take an offer if I’m still waiting to hear back about a more ideal role. Can I ask for an employer’s hiring timeline? Is it risky to ask for an extra week or two to consider an offer? Is it okay to reach out to an organization where I interviewed to ask for an update on my status, if I am offered another role? And is there any world in which it’s okay to accept a job and then go back on that if I’m offered a different one?

Of course, these are all contingent upon me getting through many rounds of interviews and getting job offers! But this timing stress is almost as bad as the job search stress itself, so I’d love your thoughts.

You can read my answer to this letter at New York Magazine today. Head over there to read it.

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